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Understanding the API-First Mindset

API-first is a development approach that prioritizes designing and building APIs before developing the actual application or integrating other components. It is crucial in managing the complexity introduced by microservices, where separate services handle different system functions. This architecture supports decoupling and segregation of duties but requires careful handling of inter-service communication. By designing APIs before coding, we can better address system complexity and define clear service boundaries.

What is API-First?


Source: ByteByteGo: Code First vs. API First

API-First means that the API is considered a primary and foundational aspect of the system architecture. Every piece of functionality is designed as an API from the beginning, rather than being an afterthought or add-on to existing features.

Key Differences from code-first

Here's a table highlighting the differences between the API-First mindset and code-first mindset:

Design PriorityAPIs Designed First: APIs are the starting point of system design, created before other components.APIs Developed Later: APIs are added after the main system components are developed.
Integration FocusIntegration-Centric: APIs are central to system interactions, facilitating seamless integration across different components and systems.Feature-Centric: APIs are often created to provide access to existing system functionalities, rather than being designed as the core integration mechanism. Integration may be more challenging if APIs are tightly coupled with the codebase (the feature).
Development WorkflowParallel Development: Enables frontend and backend teams to work concurrently using the API as a contract.Sequential Development: Backend features are developed first, with APIs added later, causing potential integration delays.
DocumentationComprehensive and Early: Detailed API documentation is created alongside design, aiding in development and integration from the start.Post-Development Documentation: Documentation is often generated after APIs are implemented, leading to possible inconsistencies.
Consumer FocusConsumer-Centric APIs: APIs are designed with the end-user (developers, applications) in mind, ensuring they are easy to understand and use.Internal Needs Focus: APIs are often designed to meet internal requirements, potentially neglecting external usability.
Flexibility and IterationAdaptable and Iterative: APIs are continuously refined based on feedback, supporting agile development practices.Fixed and Reactive: Changes to APIs are typically reactive and made after core functionalities are developed, limiting flexibility.
How can the API-first approach be agile while you have to design the API up front

The API-First approach can indeed seem like it requires upfront planning similar to Waterfall, but it is fundamentally Agile in nature due to how it facilitates iterative development and adaptability.

  • Initial Flexibility: While APIs are planned early, they are designed to be flexible and adaptable, serving as a foundation rather than a rigid blueprint. This planning helps ensure consistency and integration, but APIs can evolve as new needs and insights emerge.
  • Iterative and Incremental: The approach supports iterative refinement, allowing teams to make adjustments and improvements to APIs and related services continuously, rather than locking everything down upfront.
  • Parallel and Agile Workflows: API contracts enable frontend and backend teams to work concurrently, facilitating faster development cycles and reducing dependencies, which aligns with Agile’s focus on iterative delivery and parallel development.
  • Responsive to Change: APIs can be updated and extended in response to feedback and changing requirements, supporting Agile’s principle of welcoming changing requirements even late in development.


  • Unified Communication: API-first ensures all functional teams use a common language, fostering consistent integration across components.
  • Early Validation: Mocking requests and responses allows early validation of API design, reducing uncertainties before code is written.
  • Enhanced Quality and Productivity: With defined APIs, development is smoother, and software quality improves, as developers focus on functionality rather than reacting to unexpected changes.
  • Reduced Surprises: Predefined APIs and test-driven development (TDD) minimize late-stage surprises and facilitate concurrent development and testing.


  • Design and Planning Complexity: Designing APIs upfront requires extensive planning and foresight, assuming that all requirements can be anticipated early.
    • Challenge: Balancing flexibility, functionality, and simplicity is complex, and it’s often difficult to foresee all use cases at the outset. This can lead to the risk of over-engineering or needing substantial revisions as requirements evolve.
    • Impact: Initial development can be delayed due to the significant effort required for detailed API planning and design, potentially leading to rework when real-world needs deviate from initial assumptions.
  • Integration and Testing Challenges: Integrating APIs with existing systems and ensuring they function correctly within the broader application environment can be complex.
    • Challenge: Achieving compatibility with various systems, handling security and compliance, and thoroughly testing APIs both in isolation and as part of the system demands specialized skills and careful coordination.
    • Impact: Integration can be time-consuming, and testing requires significant effort, potentially slowing down the development process due to the need for comprehensive checks and adjustments.
  • Governance and Management: Effective governance is crucial to ensure consistent, secure, and manageable API usage across teams and projects.
    • Challenge: Establishing a robust governance framework can be difficult, particularly in large organizations with many developers and teams. Maintaining high-quality documentation and managing API updates requires ongoing effort.
    • Impact: Without proper governance, inconsistencies and security vulnerabilities may arise, complicating API management and leading to integration issues.


Let's say you are trying to build a new e-commerce platform

  • API-First:
    • Design Phase: Define APIs for product management, order processing, user accounts, etc. Create API specifications detailing endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and error handling.
    • Development Phase: Backend teams develop the services based on the API specs. Frontend teams develop the user interface using mock APIs or stubs, integrating with the actual API once available.
    • Outcome: Both frontend and backend can progress simultaneously. The API serves as a contract, ensuring smooth integration and reducing development time.
  • Code-First(Traditional Development):
    • Development Phase: Backend teams develop core functionalities first. APIs are created later to expose these functionalities.
    • Integration Phase: Frontend teams integrate with the APIs, often requiring adjustments to match the backend's implementation.
    • Outcome: Potential delays and integration challenges, as frontend and backend development are more sequential.