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How to Use pyenv: Practical Tips and Commands

If you’re familiar with Python and virtual environments but new to pyenv, this guide will walk you through the essential commands and practical tricks for managing multiple Python versions seamlessly.

Python versions

Listing Available Python Versions

After installing pyenv, you can list all the available versions of Python (those already installed on your machine) using:

pyenv versions

This shows all the Python versions managed by pyenv as well as any virtual environments you’ve created. The active version will have an asterisk (*) next to it.

Installing a New Python Version

To install a specific version of Python, use:

pyenv install <version>

For example, to install Python 3.12.4:

pyenv install 3.12.4

This will download, compile, and install that version. You can then switch between it and other versions easily.

Setting a Global Python Version

If you want to set a default Python version for your entire system, you can do so with the global command. For example:

pyenv global 3.12.4

This sets Python 3.12.4 as the default for all your projects unless you override it locally. Now, whenever you run python, this version will be used.

To verify, simply run:

python --version

Setting a Local Python Version (Per Project)

For project-specific Python versions, use the local command. This allows you to define a Python version that applies only within a certain directory:

cd myproject
pyenv local 3.10.0

This command creates a .python-version file in the project directory, and when you're working within this directory, pyenv will automatically use Python 3.10.0. This is particularly useful when different projects require different versions of Python.

Setting a terminal-session Python Version

To switch between installed Python versions, use the global or local commands, as shown above. But if you just want to temporarily switch Python versions for the current terminal session:

pyenv shell 3.8.5

This changes the Python version only for the duration of the current shell session. Once you exit the shell, the version will revert back to the global or local setting.


Whenever you install a new Python version or virtual environment, you should run:

pyenv rehash

This updates pyenv's shims so that the newly installed Python versions and commands become available immediately.

Virtual Environment

Creating a Virtual Environment

pyenv also works well with virtualenv via the pyenv-virtualenv plugin. You can create virtual environments tied to specific Python versions.

For example, to create a virtual environment using Python 3.12.4:

pyenv virtualenv 3.12.4 myenv

Now, you can activate it with:

pyenv activate myenv

And deactivate it with:

pyenv deactivate

Activating a Virtual Environment Automatically

If you want a virtual environment to be automatically activated when you enter a specific directory (like your project folder), combine the pyenv local and pyenv virtualenv commands. For example:

cd myproject
pyenv local myenv

This will ensure the virtual environment myenv is automatically activated when you navigate to your project folder.

Uninstalling a Python Version or Virtual Environment

To remove a Python version, use:

pyenv uninstall 3.12.4

To remove a virtual environment, run:

pyenv virtualenv-delete myenv

This ensures you’re not cluttering your system with old Python versions or environments that are no longer in use.

Common Commands Summary

pyenv versionsList all installed Python versions and environments
pyenv install <version>Install a specific version of Python
pyenv global <version>Set a global Python version
pyenv local <version>Set a Python version for a specific project
pyenv shell <version>Temporarily switch to a specific Python version
pyenv virtualenv <version> <env-name>Create a virtual environment for a specific Python version
pyenv activate <env-name>Activate a virtual environment
pyenv deactivateDeactivate the current virtual environment
pyenv uninstall <version>Uninstall a specific Python version
pyenv virtualenv-delete <env-name>Delete a virtual environment
pyenv rehashRebuild pyenv's shims after installing new versions

Practical Tips

  • Use pyenv local in each project: It’s a good practice to use pyenv local to define specific Python versions for each project, ensuring that your projects are isolated and won’t face version conflicts.
  • Virtual Environments: Always use pyenv virtualenv to create virtual environments tied to specific Python versions, which makes it easy to manage dependencies and isolate your project environments.
  • Remember to rehash: Anytime you install new versions or packages that add new binaries, run pyenv rehash to ensure pyenv knows about them.
  • Aliases: If you frequently work with certain Python versions or environments, consider setting up aliases in your shell configuration to speed up activation.

By mastering these commands and tips, you can efficiently manage Python versions and virtual environments with pyenv.