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Python Iterators

First lets understand iterators. According to Wikipedia, an iterator is an object that enables a programmer to traverse a container, particularly lists. However, an iterator performs traversal and gives access to data elements in a container, but does not perform iteration. You might be confused so lets take it a bit slow. There are three parts namely:

  • Iterable: An iterable is any object in Python which has an iter or a getitem method defined which returns an iterator or can take indexes (You can read more about them here). In short an iterable is any object which can provide us with an iterator.
  • Iterator: An iterator is any object in Python which has a next (Python2) or next method defined.
  • Iteration: In simple words it is the process of taking an item from something e.g a list. When we use a loop to loop over something it is called iteration.


  • Iterators provide a sequence interface to Python objects that’s memory efficient and considered Pythonic.
  • To support iteration an object needs to implement the iterator protocol by providing the iter and next dunder methods.
  • Class-based iterators are only one way to write iterable objects in Python. Also consider generators and generator expressions.

Difference Between Iterable and Iterator

It will be easier to understand the concept of generators if you get the idea of iterables and iterators.

Iterable is a “sequence” of data, you can iterate over using a loop. The easiest visible example of iterable can be a list of integers – [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. However, it’s possible to iterate over other types of data like strings, dicts, tuples, sets, etc.

Basically, any object that has iter() method can be used as an iterable. You can check it using hasattr() function in the interpreter.

Iterator protocol is implemented whenever you iterate over a sequence of data. For example, when you use a for loop the following is happening on a background:

  • first iter() method is called on the object to converts it to an iterator object.
  • next() method is called on the iterator object to get the next element of the sequence.
  • StopIteration exception is raised when there are no elements left to call.
<iter> = iter(<collection>)                 # `iter(<iter>)` returns unmodified iterator.
<iter> = iter(<function>, to_exclusive) # Sequence of return values until 'to_exclusive'.
<el> = next(<iter> [, default]) # Raises StopIteration or returns 'default' on end.

As we can see that after yielding all the values next() caused a StopIteration error. Basically this error informs us that all the values have been yielded. You might be wondering that why don't we get this error while using a for loop? Well the answer is simple. The for loop automatically catches this error and stops calling next.

simple_list = [1, 2, 3]
my_iterator = iter(simple_list)

<list_iterator object at 0x7fde153b85c0>
StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-8b8dd0adcc73> in <module>()
5 print(next(my_iterator))
6 print(next(my_iterator))
----> 7 print(next(my_iterator))


Basically, any object that has iter() method can be used as an iterable. You can check it using hasattr()function in the interpreter.

print(hasattr(str, '__iter__'))
print(hasattr(list, '__iter__'))
print(hasattr(bool, '__iter__'))


Understand how Python’s elegant loop constructs work behind the scenes

Version 1: two separate classes

In this approach, we first setting up and retrieving the iterator object with an iter() call, and then repeatedly fetching values from it via next().

Python offers these facades for other functionality as well. For example, len(x) is a shortcut for calling x.len. Similarly, calling iter(x) invokes x.iter and calling next(x) invokes


  • Repeater looks like a bog-standard Python class. But notice how it also includes the iter dunder method.
  • What’s the RepeaterIterator object we’re creating and returning from iter? It’s a helper class we also need to define for our for-in iteration example to work:


  1. In the init method we link each RepeaterIterator instance to the Repeater object that created it. That way we can hold on to the “source” object that’s being iterated over.

  2. In, we reach back into the “source” Repeater instance and return the value associated with it.

In this code example, Repeater and RepeaterIterator are working together to support Python’s iterator protocol. The two dunder methods we defined, iter and next, are the key to making a Python object iterable.

class Repeater:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value

def __iter__(self): # Can be invoked by Repeater.__iter__() / iter(Repeater)
return RepeaterIterator(self)

class RepeaterIterator:
def __init__(self, source):
self.source = source

def __next__(self): # Can be invoked by RepeaterIterator.__next__() / next(RepeaterIterator)
self.source.value += 1
return self.source.value

# for loop version
repeater = Repeater(0)
for item in repeater:
if item == 5:

# While loop version
repeater = Repeater(0)
iterator = repeater.__iter__()
while True:
item = iterator.__next__()

if item == 5:


Version 2: Only one class

Above iterator example consisted of two separate classes, Repeater and RepeaterIterator, but many times both of these responsibilities can be shouldered by a single class. Doing this allows you to reduce the amount of code necessary to write a class-based iterator.

We needed it to host the next method for fetching new values from the iterator. But it doesn’t really matter where next is defined. In the iterator protocol, all that matters is that iter returns any object with a next method on it.

Streamlining a class-based iterator like that often makes sense. In fact, most Python iterator tutorials start out that way.

class Repeater:
def __init__(self, value, max_repeats):
self.value = value
self.max_repeats = max_repeats
self.count = 0

def __iter__(self): # Can be invoked by Repeater.__iter__() / iter(Repeater)
return self

def __next__(self): # Can be invoked by RepeaterIterator.__next__() / next(RepeaterIterator)
self.value += 1
if self.value > self.max_repeats:
raise StopIteration
self.count += 1
return self.value

repeater = Repeater(0, 5)
for item in repeater:


If we rewrite this last for-in loop example to take away some of the syntactic sugar, we end up with the following expanded code snippet:

repeater = Repeater(0, 5)
iterator = iter(repeater)
while True:
item = next(iterator)
except StopIteration:

Why do we always need to put result into list/set?


In Python 3+, many processes that iterate over iterables return iterators themselves. In most cases, this ends up saving memory, and should make things go faster.

Which means you need to pass to function like list() or set() to display or process them.

If all you're going to do is iterate over this list eventually, there's no need to even convert it to a list, because you can still iterate over the map object like so:

for ch in map(chr,[65,66,67,68]):