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Hydration in React

React Hydration and How Incognito Mode Fixes Hydration Issues

React hydration is the process where React "rehydrates" server-rendered HTML into an interactive application on the client side. Hydration comes into play when using server-side rendering (SSR), a technique where HTML is first generated on the server and then sent to the client to be displayed. When the React application initializes on the client, it "hydrates" the static HTML by attaching event listeners, handling dynamic interactions, and making the app functional and interactive without reloading or rebuilding the entire page.

Here’s a breakdown of how React hydration works and why it can cause issues in certain situations:

The Hydration Process

  • Server-side Rendering (SSR): In SSR, React generates HTML content on the server and sends it to the client. This HTML is fully rendered but static, meaning it lacks the JavaScript functionality to make it interactive (like event handlers for buttons, forms, etc.).

  • Client-side Hydration: Once the static HTML is loaded on the client, React takes control by attaching JavaScript event listeners and updating the DOM to handle state changes and interactions. During this process, React compares the HTML structure generated on the server to the HTML structure found in the browser to ensure they match. If they do, React successfully "hydrates" the page, making it fully interactive.

Hydration Mismatch

The hydration process assumes that the server-rendered HTML and the client-rendered HTML will match exactly. However, if there are discrepancies between what was rendered on the server and what React finds on the client, React will throw an error or warning, such as:

Expected server HTML to contain a matching <head> in <html>.

This error occurs when React finds differences in the DOM (Document Object Model) that it cannot reconcile, which can happen if external factors (like browser extensions) modify the page after the server sends it but before React hydrates it.

Why Browser Extensions Cause Hydration Mismatches

Browser extensions, such as ad blockers or privacy tools, often inject additional elements (such as <meta>, <script>, or <style> tags) into the page. These elements can modify the head or body of the HTML, altering the structure of the page. When React compares the server-rendered HTML to the modified client-side HTML, it detects a mismatch, leading to a hydration error.

  • Server HTML: HTML generated by React on the server is pristine and matches what React expects.
  • Client HTML: Browser extensions inject elements or modify the DOM, leading to a different HTML structure from what the server initially provided.

Since the server and client HTML structures no longer match, React is unable to correctly hydrate the page, and it throws errors.

How Incognito Mode Fixes the Problem

Incognito mode (or private browsing mode) in most browsers disables extensions by default. This means:

  • No extensions can inject or modify the HTML on the client.
  • The HTML remains unchanged between the server-rendered version and the version React processes on the client.

By using Incognito mode, you effectively ensure that React sees the same HTML on the client as was rendered by the server, thus avoiding any hydration mismatches caused by extensions. The result is that the hydration process completes successfully without throwing errors.


  • React hydration is the process where React takes over static server-rendered HTML on the client, making it interactive.
  • A hydration mismatch occurs when the server-rendered HTML and client-side HTML are different, often due to browser extensions modifying the page.
  • Browser extensions can inject or alter the DOM, leading to discrepancies between the server-rendered HTML and what React finds in the browser, causing React to fail during hydration.
  • Incognito mode fixes this issue by disabling extensions, ensuring the server-rendered and client-rendered HTML remain identical, allowing React to hydrate the page without errors.

Hydration errors due to browser extensions are common but often harmless, and using Incognito mode is a quick way to check if they are the root cause of the problem.