Daily tricks
One off Pod
Build a one-off pod that runs bash and remove it when we exit bash.
tells the run command to stop looking at options and that anything after that double dashes is the command to run when I execute this container.
kubectl run tmp-shell --rm -it --image bretfisher/netshoot -- bash
The cool thing about Kubernetes is it comes unopinionated. it comes with a whole slew of options for how you might create and deploy containers. The thing there is, though, how are you supposed to use it? What's the best way that I would recommend to use it?
To fix the error Kubernetes Helm Error: UPGRADE FAILED: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress.
, you will need to roll back the deployment. This error is caused by a helm deployment that never completes successfully. It most commonly occurs when there is an interruption during the upgrade/install process.
To fix this one may need to, first rollback to another version, then reinstall or helm upgrade again.
helm ls --namespace <namespace>
# Check the history of the previous deployment to see if there are any deployment stuck:
helm history <release> --namespace <namespace>
# To escape from this state, use the rollback command:
helm rollback <release> <revision> --namespace <namespace>