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About this place

· 4 min read

Hi, welcome to my blog. Here's a brief intro.

The intention

I've been writing notes and blogs on different topics that I am interested in, for example software development, AI, traveling and music, however they've been scattered across various platforms. My goal is to have a centralised places to organise all my knowledge and thoughts, especially since I have been working as a web engineer and architect for 10 years and counting and I struggle to remember everything I come across.

Coincidentally, I stumbled upon docusaurus - an amazing product created by Facebook team that allows me to use MarkDown to build and deploy without any hosting cost and data schema binded to a platform. This is what the blog is built on.

The audience

In this blog, the primary audience is myself mainly. It serves as a repository for my study notes, reflections, and ideas. Our minds are a treasure trove of thoughts and experiences, but human memory is famously fallible. To ensure the preservation of knowledge and insights, I've chosen the written word. Plus, writing provides the opportunity to revisit and validate what I've learned, and it's a powerful tool for organising and expressing thoughts coherently.

I firmly believe in the idea of taking from society and giving back. If the ideas and notes I share here prove valuable to you, please don't hesitate to use and share them. I encourage you to retain the authorship information when you do. After all, sharing knowledge is one of the most impactful ways to contribute to our collective wisdom.

Adapt and adjust

Survival of the fittest

Charles Darwin's quote, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives; nor the most intelligent; it is the one most responsive to change," emphasizes the importance of adaptability and flexibility in the process of evolution. This idea, often paraphrased as "survival of the fittest," doesn't imply that physical strength or intellectual prowess alone guarantee survival. Instead, it underscores that the species most capable of adapting to changing environmental conditions and challenges has a better chance of survival.

The subtitle of this notebook is "Adapt and Adjust." In today's fast-paced world and evolving society, I think this principle of adaptability continues to be profoundly relevant

  • In a rapidly changing job market, individuals who continuously update their skills and adapt to new technologies and trends are more likely to thrive. Lifelong learning is essential.
  • Successful businesses must adapt to changing consumer preferences, market dynamics, and emerging technologies. Companies that embrace change and innovation are more likely to succeed.
  • As humans, our belief systems are in a constant state of evolution. Concepts like human rights, gender equality, freedom of religion, and media portrayals of social classes are continually reshaped by societal progress. To approach these changes with a philosophical mindset, allowing room for critique and reflection, is essential for maintaining rationality.
    • In today's world, media often simplifies complex issues into binary oppositions. However, true adaptation doesn't solely involve passively accepting incoming information. It also entails the ability to critically analyze and evolve one's beliefs based on personal insights and reflections.

With this in mind, I intend for this blog to document my ongoing learning journey in this ever-evolving world. Your feedback is greatly appreciated should you come across any inaccuracies, as it will enable me to make necessary adjustments.

The future

As of October 2023, the majority of my articles here provide answers to "how" and "what." In 2024, my focus will shift towards exploring thoughts, ideas, and developing side projects in the AI and Crypto domains.